Círculo e Meio | Circle & Half

An audio-visual live coding performance combining choreographic thinking and algorithmic improvisation.

Performance Schedule º º

Audio & Video Documention

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The performance currently combines two distinct but connected digital interfaces - an audio system for live coding by Renick Bell and a visual system for live coding in the web browser by Joana Chicau - with additional tools enabling data-sharing and possibilities for each to influence the other’s system. The interaction use a shared choreographic vocabulary, creating meaning and producing an imaginarium around the act and conditions of coding. It provides a platform enabling spontaneous joint composition and audio-visual interactions.


Link to a video recording (v.01)
Link to the audio recording (v.02) & (v.01)
Read more about the research in our log.

Performance schedule:

April 2021: Online Exhibition @Homeostasis Lab
April 2021: Online Peformance @iii
February 2021: Live Demo at Transnodal.TopLap
February 2021: Online Workshop @BMA lab
2020-2021: The Stage is (a)Live - soon presenting a digital installation at Gnration!
2020/ November [cancelled] - DA Z Digital Art, Zurich
2019/ September — Worm, Rotterdam
2019/ January — MediaLab, Madrid
2018/ June — Passos Manuel, Porto
2018/ September — Spektrum, Berlin